Italian pizza and its history

Many people think that pizza has Italian origins. This is not entirely a mistake, but the cake we know today was rather created in ancient Greece. Of course, it did not resemble the one that is popular today. The authentic Neapolitan pizza was the first to delight a wider range of people. Nowadays, it is a symbol of Italian cuisine, and over the years it has undergone many modifications, as a result of which there are now a huge number of its varieties. Thanks to this, practically everyone has their favorite type of this dish. It is worth finding out about the origins of Neapolitan pizza and how it has evolved over the years. Nothing stands in the way of trying to prepare this delicacy at home. The alternative, of course, is to visit a trusted restaurant or order a pizza to be delivered to your home. The best pizza in Larnaca is on our menu.

Where did it come from… Italian Pizza


At this point, it is worth going back many years, all the way to ancient Greece. The inhabitants of this country ate simple pancakes smeared with olive oil and garlic, sprinkled with fresh or dried herbs. Subsequently, this cake became popular among the Romans, who, after conquering Greece, began to be inspired by the local culinary customs. The first dish resembling modern pizza was focaccia, made with natural sourdough. This dish was very cheap to prepare, so it was eaten primarily by representatives of the lower social classes. It was only after many years that others also took notice. The real breakthrough came when tomatoes were brought to Europe in the 17th century, from which tomato sauce began to be produced. It was then that Europeans fell in love with this ingredient and the pizza itself, on which it began to be applied. The success of the first pizzerias in Naples was so great that it prompted a visit from King Ferdinand II of Bourbon. The monarch loved this delicacy so much that he began to eat it every day. His wife, however, objected to his passion, so he would sneak away to the village disguised as a peasant to enjoy his favorite dish. Pizza was introduced to the royal court by his successor and it was then that the popular pie gained recognition among the upper social classes, and then practically the entire population. Nowadays, you don’t have to put in much effort to enjoy a treat. Pizza delivery in Larnaca is a perfect option for all those who do not want to leave home to feel this unique taste. The key, of course, is a good pizzeria. Larnaca is a city where there is no shortage of this type of establishment.


The first margherita – where was it made?

Margherita is a pizza known all over the world. It was invented by Raffaele Esposito, the owner of well-known pizzerias located in Naples. His restaurant was visited in 1889 by Queen Margaret of Savoy. Esposito decided to prepare a pizza in her honor in traditional Italian colors. They were symbolized by the color of each ingredient. The pancake featured tomato red, mozzarella white and basil green. The name “margherita” comes from the name of the queen, of course. It is Esposito’s efforts that have made authentic Neapolitan pizza famous all over the world today. As you can see, the history of the popular pastry began with a very limited number of ingredients and this custom is still cultivated by Italians. Neapolitan pizza usually still has a maximum of 3 toppings. Of course, pizza delivery in Larnaca is also available in other variants so that everyone can easily find their favorite.


History of Italian pizza – from inception to development

The classic margherita gave rise to the creation of more elaborate flavor variations of the beloved dish. In 1905, many Italians came to New York and began to open their pizzerias. This is how pizza found its way to America, although soon after it gained a decidedly different face than the one known in the case of the classic Italian pie. Practically every region of Italy has its own characteristic variants of this dish. The Romans bake pizza thin and crumbly, which is an easily digestible snack. In Genoa, on the other hand, focaccia is eaten with a generous amount of olive oil. The same dish reigns supreme in Puglia, but there some boiled potatoes are added inside. In Palermo, pancakes are baked with breadcrumbs, onions and sun-dried tomatoes, and in Ragusa, scacce with ragusano cow cheese and tomatoes. The Americans, on the other hand, invented the New York pizza variation and the tart-like Chicago pizza. New York Pie has a soft, thin dough that allows it to be folded in half. The one from Chicago is baked in deep pots, and its edges are extremely high. The sauce is on top, on top of the ingredients. Today, you can find variations on the traditional pizza almost everywhere. Exotic ingredients, a variety of sauces are added to it, and modern baking techniques are used. Many different variants of this dish are served by every good pizzeria. Larnaca is a city where you can try different varieties of the dish and find your favourite. The best pizza in Larnaca is a hallmark of our menu.


 Evolution, or pizza as a modern delicacy

We can talk about the roots of pizza for a long time, but it is worth discovering interesting, contemporary proposals from around the world, which definitely do not resemble the original versions of this dish. Depending on the specific type, pizza can be a whole, filling dish, a quick snack or a light side dish. One thing is certain – it’s hard to find a person who doesn’t have their favorite variant of this delicious dish. There is a lot of controversy over Hawaiian pizza, which combines the sweet taste of pineapple and the salty taste of ham. In fact, there are two camps – lovers and opponents of this composition. It is popular primarily in the United States. Japanese pizza, known as Okonomiyaki, is a unique variation of this dish. In this case, the ingredients are placed on a dough of cabbage and dough, and the whole thing is fried in a pan. It is not only a unique combination of flavors, but also textures. The Mexican tortilla also has a lot in common with pizza, which is considered to be a healthier version of this dish. In 1990, an attempt was made to create the largest pizza in the world. Its diameter was as much as 3660 cm and it was baked in South Africa. The record was broken in 2015 by five chefs from Italy – their pizza was 3,960 cm long and 19,800 kg of flour, 19,800 kg of mozzarella, 8,800 litres of tomato sauce, 1,500 kg of butter, 250 kg of salt and 210 litres of oil were used in the production. This required baking it into 5234 separate pieces. Statistics show that during the year Norwegians eat the most pizza (as much as 5.4 kg), followed by Germans. Anyone can try to bake their own pizza at home, but the alternative is to use the offer of a good pizzeria.

Although it is not entirely true that it was the Italians who created the first pizza, it was the delicacy they prepared that gave rise to the one known all over the world today. During this time, pizza has undergone many evolutions and now different varieties are popular in every corner of the world. We invite you to taste carefully prepared Italian pizza from our menu.